Shine Bright in the Moonlight – Mid Autumn Crafts
When you think of Mid Autumn, you think lanterns and mooncakes. These two icons of the festival is said to celebrate reunion and prosperity in your family! In the history of LolliBox crafting experiences, mid autumn crafts are definitely one of our favourites.

Throw away your impression of a mid autumn lantern and let us show you the modern ones in our repetoire!
1) Mooncake Lantern

It was love at first sight when we saw this lantern and we knew we had to include this in our lanterns line-up. Crafted with felt, the holes at the side allows for light to flow through. Sturdy, pretty and oh so lovely to carry around as you light your way.
2) Midnight Blue at Jewel

Just last year, our lanterns were at Jewel for their Mid Autumn activations. This elaborated lanterns entertained the shoppers as they create one just for themselves!
3) Traditional with a twist

One of the popular lanterns around – the tissue paper lantern where light can stream through the entirety of the lantern. We took the standard and customized some felt pieces to create a variation of this crowd favourite!
These are just the tip of the iceberg, contact us at hello@lollibox to find out what we have!
Aside from lanterns, we also have fan favourites like hand puppets and gorgeous hang ornaments – all is DIY so you can create your very own!

More LolliBox?
Stay up to date on our events and crafting events here – Instagram and Facebook
For business opportunities, reach out to hello@lollibox.sg or 6100 1680!
In the meantime, stay safe and stay at home!
The LolliBox Team