Different Types of Facebook Contests to Engage Your Audience
As of 2023, Facebook is still the most used social media platform, which makes it great for a wide outreach, especially when it comes to reaching out to those who are in the Millennial demographic and older. One of the best ways to engage your audience is with social media contests! Leverage on people’s competitive drives and use attractive prizes to drive traffic, increase followers and likes.
A commonly used Facebook contest format utilises the ‘Comment to Enter’ mechanic, where participants simply need to comment under a post to participate in the contest. It is a simple mechanic, but with a little sugar and spice, it is possible to make your contest stand out and create interest in it.
So if you are looking for creative contests to engage your Facebook audience with, keep reading to learn more about the past Facebook contests LolliBox has done for our clients and be inspired by them!
1. This or That
People enjoy expressing their preferences, which made the THIS or THAT Facebook contest for the Celebrate National Day 2022 @ HDB Malls campaign especially popular among participants. People commented which team they preferred, and a random winner was picked from the team with more votes. The friendly competition spurred participation and it was a great way for Singaporeans to show off their love for local things!

2. Riddle Contest
Put your audience to the test with riddles! Our brain loves making sense of puzzles, which is why riddle contests are so engaging. No one can resist a little challenge and will be compelled to comment their answer beneath the post.
These riddles can also be customised according to theme!
Participants will walk away with a sense of satisfaction from having solved the riddle, while your Facebook page will walk away with more likes and comments!

3. Prompt Contest
Give your audience a set of prompts to reply to and your Facebook page will become a platform for people to voice their stories. Just like for our THIS or THAT contest, people enjoy sharing their experiences and expressing themselves, which makes such Facebook contests compelling to participate in.

4. Photo Contest
While photo contests do not use the ‘Comment to Enter’ mechanic, they do kill two birds with one stone! This Facebook contest will not only increase online engagement, they can be used to drive foot traffic to targeted locations.
For our Celebrating All Mothers @ HDB Malls campaign, we organised the ‘Appreciate My Mom’ photo contest. Participants had to take a photo with a Mother’s Day backdrop installation at various HDB malls and upload it to Facebook. They stood a chance to win $100 worth of vouchers and received a small gift for participating.

The possibilities for Facebook contests are truly endless!
These contests work not only for Facebook, they work for other platforms like Instagram, so remember to assess your target audience and pin-point the platform that will be the most effective in reaching out to them.
And if you need help in conceptualising and executing your Facebook contest, the LolliBox team is ready to come up with creative and unique contest ideas at hello@lollibox.sg, and customise contest visuals according to your branding needs!
Stay updated on our latest endeavours by following our Instagram and Facebook!
Stay safe and have a great day!
The LolliBox Team