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Children’s Day Craft Workshops

For the children or the kid in you: LolliBox Children’s Day Craft Workshops

We find ourselves asking, “Now, when is Children’s Day again?”

If you are like us, who last celebrated Children’s Day light years ago, let us help you jog your memory – it now falls on the first Friday of October!

For Children’s Day Craft Workshops, it might be harder to come up with interesting activities for your brand engagement as it doesn’t have clear themes to follow. Knowing your challenges, our theme has some recommendations for you –


Children's Day Craft Workshops
Children’s Day Craft Workshops – DIY SLIME

If your childcare philosophy is to let kids be kids, to let them get down and dirty and have absolute fun, consider a slime making for your Children’s Day Craft Workshops!

This is especially good for pre-school to early primary ages as they LOVE tactile materials. There is also a bit of a science element as it introduces a different state of matter to the kids and can make them seem like they are doing a science experiment!


Children's Day Craft Workshops
Children’s Day Craft Workshops – Walking Dinosaurs
(Images as sample only)

Dinosaurs remain a very popular creature that seems to transcend ages and gender. Maybe it’s the prehistoric coolness of it or the many movies that depict the cutest dinosaurs one can imagine. It doesn’t matter because with this Children’s Day Craft Workshop, you can create your own Walking Dinosaur with a wind-up mechanism!


Virtual National Day Craft Workshop
Children’s Day Craft Workshops – Motivational Felt Banner

Words have power. This Children’s Day Craft Workshops, incorporate the power of words to create your very own Felt Motivational Banner. This can be done for the little ones or by the little ones. Let us know your audience and we can tailor it accordingly. 


Children's Day Craft Workshop
Children’s Day Craft Workshop – Little Planter Pot

Inspire little green thumbs in this Children’s Day Craft Workshop featuring real greens. Participants can create their own little planter before trying to plant and nurture their seeds. It is truly a wonder to watch them grow, isn’t it?

5) Paper Wonders

Children's Day Craft Workshops
Children’s Day Craft Workshops – Crafts Using Paper Templates
For a sample of our demo video, check out the Batik Wallet tutorial –

Fancy a no kit Children’s Day Craft Workshop where kids can use the materials they  have at home to get creative? Our talented design team can come up with exclusive paper templates for you to upload onto your preferred channels. Participants can then download and print it at home. EASY PEASY! From usable paper crafts to fun paper toys, we have done it all.

Check out our portfolio to find out more about our events management, craft workshops and other services!

Click here to find out even more about customizing crafts kits and demo videos with us!

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With lots of crafty love,

The LolliBox Team

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