Chinese New Year Events with LolliBox
With all the festive decorations up all around us, it is evident that Chinese New Year is just around the corner!
Let’s get into the Chinese new year festivities with our awesome craft workshops and events for kids and families!
Catch us at the following venues:
Hillion Mall
There is a lot going on at Hillion mall with Craft Workshops, on 19 -20 January, like decorating your red packet and mandarin orange bag making. You can also try your luck at Fortune of Spring to stand a chance to win prizes on 19-20 January & 26 – 27 January. Also not to miss are the roving Fu Lu Shou and God of Fortune Mascots on 27 January and 2 February!
Grandstand has lots of fun activities for kids to do this CNY from 26-27 January 2019, 11am – 2pm! One of which is the awesome craft workshop by us to make your own Fortune Bag to carry all your red packets this CNY!
Tampines Mall
Lots are happening at Tampines mall with craft workshops and roving mascot! On 26 -27 January they will be doing a cat bag and on 2-3 February Kids can make their very own God of Fortune Hat! For all 4 dates catch God of Fortune roving around Tampines Mall giving out candies!
Asian Civilisation Museum
We are back at ACM for their monthly programme, Saturday @ ACM, with craft workshop for kids! The craft for this session, 26 January 2019, is for CNY year of the pig which is why kids are going to make their very own Piggy Bag to carry around this CNY! All of this is happening from 1 – 5pm near the main entrance!
National Museum of Singapore
Catch us at National Museum of Singapore, on 9 February 2019 11am – 4pm, for some CNY fun like decorating your Red Packet and making your own lantern scratch art bookmark!
The next time you are planning any CNY activities for children and families just contact us cause we have it all covered!
Till we meet again!