An Introduction to LolliBox’s Educational Activity Kits – The Who, What, Where and the Why.

As the world reduces physical interaction due to the pandemic, we found ourselves creating more activity kits this year! These kits offer a great alternative to on-site engagement. Why is that so?
Reason 1
We can deliver these educational activity kits its to your customers’ doorsteps. Safe, contact free and fuss free!
Reason 2
It is easier to switch to an on-site workshop should regulations ease as you would already have all the materials with you!
Now let us delve into the Ws of Educational Activity Kits!
1. Who is an Educational Activity Kit for?
The Educational Activity Kit is for anyone under the sun really. Depending on your demographic, we can propose kits to help you further your objective/message. Kits as young as 3 have benefited from such kits! Given the customizable nature of these kits, we will propose crafts and offer recommendations that take into account their motor skills level.
The below “Creative Box” catered to the littlest one by including original nursery rhymes, original illustrated story cards and accompanying activities that allowed kids to bring these new stories to life in a puppet show! To see an unboxing video, head over to our IG: @LolliBoxSG

2. What is an Educational Activity Kit?
Educational Activity Kits are kits that have a message or a lesson to behind its conception. For example, we did a Little Savers Kit for one of our client where their objective is to inculcate good savings habit in the little ones. In the kit, there is a Little Coin Bank and Coin Rubbing Fun activity!

Such Educational Activity kits typically consist of 2 or more activities and usually have a detailed instruction sheet to share more about its objective to the recipient. Some times, we even include enrichment activities to take your educational objectives further!
3. Where can you create an Educational Craft Kit?
With us, of course! With over 8 years of experience in creating customized kits, we definitely have the expertise to bring your objective/message to life in the form of fun and exciting hands-on kits.

4. Why do I want to create an Educational Activity Kit?
Whether is it you are launching a new product or you have a community message to share to the public, an Educational Activity Kit can be very useful in your campaign! Such kits offer a better retention of information about your objective as recipients get to create and internalise the messages. Moreover, with the social media unboxing trend, a good customized kit can gain traction with a robust marketing strategy!

5. How can I create this an Educational Activity Kit?
You can reach out to us via our email or hit the contact form and let us know your requirements and our team will get in touch with you shortly!
More LolliBox?
Stay up to date on our events and crafting events here – Instagram and Facebook
In the meantime, stay safe and stay at home!
With lots of crafty love,
The LolliBox Team